Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Been a long time..

Sorry its been so long since I posted, although I doubt anybody reads my blog anyway.

Today I want to post a quote. I was interested in the recent political ploy by the McCain camp to try associating Obama with Bill Ayers again. So, instead of blindly believing what the repugs are saying I decided to educate myself on this person before I form an opinion. After doing so I was not surprised to find out that the McCain camp and the repugs are again distorting the truth. Here is what I found:

  • Bill Ayers as a college student started a group to protest the war in Vietnam.
  • The Students for a Democratic Society later became the Weather Underground
  • According to David Gilbert, "[their] goal was to not hurt any people, and a lot of work went into that.
They are also saying that he is not remorseful for what had been done. Here is a quote in response to that:
"We weren't terrorists," Ayers told an interviewer for the Chicago Tribune in 2001. "The reason we weren't terrorists is because we did not commit random acts of terror against people. Terrorism was what was being practiced in the countryside of Vietnam by the United States."[2] In a letter to the editor in the Chicago Tribune, Ayers wrote, "I condemn all forms of terrorism — individual, group and official". He also condemned the September 11 terrorist attacks in that letter. "Today we are witnessing crimes against humanity on our own shores on an unthinkable scale, and I fear that we may soon see more innocent people in other parts of the world dying in response."

Ever hear of Guy Fawkes?

Please... educate yourself and form your own opinions. The problems of this Country can be summed up in one cliche.. The blind leading the blind!

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