Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What could we do with a Half-Trillion dollars?

Hmm, after reading this article...
I cant help but think that a Half-Trillion dollars could make this country pretty dang safe. Just think if we had spent it on homeland security, instead of a war, what we might have accomplished.
What if we had spent it on education, cures for diseases, green technologies (like electric autos, renewable energy, etc), or a number of other things?
The US of A would be back to her old self, leading the world and setting the example,.. instead of breading hate, killing people and destroying nations, cultures, relationships, history, and whatever else that Half-Trillion dollars has funded.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Little Crater Lake

We went camping recently at Little Crater Lake. The campsite was very nice, very quiet, and the sites (16 in all) are quite large and wooded.

If you dont know, the campground is a few miles north of Timothy Lake, and a 30 minute walk brings you to the North end of Timothy lake. There are some great biking areas, but beware that the main trails have signs on them that tell bikers to either walk their bikes, or leave the trail. One such sign actually redirects bikers up a very steep rocky hill which eventually after a couple miles leaves you on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere. This is very irritating because it sends you about 5 miles out of the way, when otherwise you would be reaching Timothy lake within a mile on the main trail. It is very ridiculous, so much so that you see many bikers just ignoring the signs.

Other than that, the only other complaint I had about the campground is that it does not have a Host that resides in the campground itself. The Host for the campground actually stays at another campsite (North End campground) which is several miles away down a very rough gravel road. I had to go find him to resolve an issue about our campsite, and I felt like I was very lucky to stumble on his campsite after driving down a road with no signs. You just all of a sudden (if you take the right turns which somehow I did) come up on the entrance to the campground.

So anyway, all things considered, I would happily return to Little Crater Lake campground for future camping, and would recommend it to anyone else that likes to avoid the metropolis that Timothy lake has become. Just make sure to avoid site 15 (its mere feet from the bathroom), unless you like the aroma of human feces, and site 16 seems a bit small as well. We had site 4, and it was very nice. It is so secluded you can barely see any other campsites until the lanterns come on, and then you can only see two or three.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Sorry about the spelling...

Just a warning, my spelling is horrible if I forget to use the spell check (which is often). Over the years of always having spell check, I have become a horrible speller. Along with that, from always having a calculator close at hand, my math is horrible. I suppose there are other downfalls of technology, but those two seem to have affected me the most.
I just though I would try to beat you to the punch, if you were thinking about commenting on my spelling! HA!

Monday, August 6, 2007

This is my Blog...

So anyway, now that I got that rant out of the way,...

Welcome! this is my blog!

I have never done one of these before, so I am giving it a try. I must say,.. I am amazed at all the offerings Google has, and for free! I love Picasa, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and Google Maps. Hopefully I will like Blogger as much as those.

So, my hope with this blog is that I can rant about a few things, let people know whats going on with my life, and just basically see what it is like to Blog!
If you have any thoughts, please leave comments (good or bad, I can handle it!), and thanks for stopping by!

"Ping me"...

I had to look this one up.
Recently a co-worker started using this term to refer to sending her an IM. For me, "ping" is a computer network tool used to send an echo request to a host.
I wonder how many people using this term "ping me" actually knows what it means... or use to mean. I cannot imagine a true techie using it in this way and I expect that it irritates them as much as it does me.
I think it will become one of my top 5 pet peeves (hmm, I will actually have to construct this list and publish it.